Friday, April 1, 2011


15岁 工钱RM600 开销RM600
16岁 工钱RM1000 开销RM700 储蓄RM300
17岁 工钱RM1300 开销RM900 储蓄RM400
18岁 工钱RM2000 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1000
19岁 工钱RM2500 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1700
20岁 工钱RM2700 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1700
21岁 工钱RM2700 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1700
22岁 工钱RM2700 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1700
23岁 工钱RM2700 开销RM1000 储蓄RM1700



23 岁后的你,一张通往你个人认为是天堂的通行证,进入一间大公司开始工作。每个月RM2000的‘储蓄’。到26岁时的你,有了RM96000,但我敢有 99%的肯定你有99.5%不敢或不想去做生意!26岁的你应了解到身边的朋友应嫁的嫁了,应娶的娶了!而这时候的你不管三七二十一,先来一辆房车,再来 一张卡,和来一间屋子。因为现实的社会里,先要有面包才有爱情,虽然很多人说,有情喝水饱,你可以叫他们两喝够两个月的水,不水肿我都不信哦!




大学生呢?你也有,但在大学!"enjoy university life"
如果以上你觉得和反对的,而你又很多意见的,麻烦你comment comment一下,给我这无知的学生清醒清醒!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The 4 A's of Advertising

Attention, Awareness, Attitude, Action= AIDA Attention Interest Desire Action

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Is CGPA an appropiate scale to meaure a person talent?

One of my core team member, Chin tell me his view on the academic performance few days ago when i tell him my latest business idea.

Chin: You are near to exam but yet still thinking about business. 
Me: Yea, why? Is not a bad things what. As long as i can pass is ok for me. No need to get too high for the CGPA, i am not study to be employee, but to be employer. (very lanc is it?) And i wont measure my employee just on the CGPA alone. A good one not necessary with good CGPA.
Chin (not agree face): UHmm~If a person cant even manage one own-selves good, how are he/she going to manage others. (quite true)
Me: Yea, quite true. But i cant do well because i am not interested in study for exam, but if you ask me to study for my own interest to become a millionaire, i can study well. 
Chin: uhmm
Me: uhmm

Well, whats the point here?
There are 2 main view point actually, no false or right.

One is the thinking of ordinary manager thinking, an also implement by mostly all the managers. Managers always judge people based on their CGPA, because they simply believe that a poor CGPA means that you can't manage yourself well. They not judging the CGPA as how good you memorize, is how good you manage yourself. Actually is quite true also, some body just hanging around and never plan what he or she want to do for future of course he or she wont plan for a good CGPA. In this paragraph, what i can say for the managers is, yes, you have hired a good worker for the company, he or she will do well in every task you give to him or her. But, the self motivated level is low, they will feel tired and slow down one day, when the return is not satisfying them. What you need to give out is actually higher compare to what you will gain back.

The above is explaining and example a few ordinary view point of many managers. Now come to my point of view, i agree on a good CGPA holder are good in planning, and organizing themselves. Lets compare a person with high CGPA and a guy with moderate CGPA. The high one good in managing themselves, they study for their future(being employed and get high salary), another one is because he study for the needs of wanting to excel and creating something new. Which one you will hire? 95% of the managers will hire the 1st one, but i will hire the 2nd one. I will say that the ROI (return on investment) is higher. Invest a bit, but return is higher, with the condition that he like what he is doing.

Just visualize it: If i hired an architect with good result, what he aspect? a high salary, then i need to pay him for at least RM2k++. Another one, with medium range result, but he like to try something out of the box, something new, with only RM1.5k. The 1st one always follow what i ask him to do, but the 2nd one always surprise me with something might be a very new idea which might become a very famous things in future.

So is all about you choose a follower or an innovator. Low risk low return, high risk high return.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You are Not Kottler or Armstrong!

My tutor say something very interesting today when one group of the students answer the tutorial question without carefully follow what is in the lecture slides. Ms Gengeswari, my beloved Retail management tutor and lecturer as well said: you are not Kottler or Armstrong, don't develop your own theory, follow what the point written in the lecture slides! lol...I smile at the time she said this. I am not saying she is wrong, please don't get me wrong. She is doing what she is being. She is a tutor, she want us to pass, so she have to teach in this way, and ask you to follow what in the slides, actually indirectly she is asking us to answer in a way that will score in the exam. And it is good for Malaysia student (only). We can only blame what poor education system, which judge us on whether we follow the marking scheme or not.

Well, what actually i want to say here is, everyone is natural born to be someone. You are who you are. I am not Kottler or Armstrong, but i am Edison Teo, and i am proud of myself. Why Kottler and Armstrong are so good? Why everyone follow their theory? Because they a very good of themselves. They do their best in their own way. We can and everyone can develop their own theory and be followed as well, just make sure you do your best. If you are a chef, cook your best, and everyone will eat what you cook. If you are an artist, then draw your best, you be someone someday somehow.

But the phenomena nowadays is, a lots of human being let go of themselves. They say no to themselves, not other say no to them. Just imagine, how are you going to persuades others to hire you or buy your idea if you don't have any self confident? To be followed, to be hire, to sell your idea, to sell yourself, 1st of all, the basic requirement, do your very best on being the positive site of yourself. Please don't abuse my words, i am not asking you to be a theft if you are good in stealing! Don't do illegal act, make sure are always in your very healthy personality. And do your very best, trust me, you are someone in future, not necessary be the president of United States, but at least you are the one make your mom and you dad proud off, you are your children' hero.

I am not Kottler or Armstrong, i am me myself! Build your confident from inside.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Infatuation? Satisfaction?

There are no service or product in this world will fully and continuously satisfy consumer. You might say Dell is the best, or i love Iphone 4, but trust me, you will complaint for the small speaker of Dell computer and the easy cracked screen of the Iphone 4 someday somehow.

I think you are quite blur in this point, what the difference between infatuation and satisfaction? Infatuation is you are admire to something that can brought you to loving the products or services by focus on the GOOD of the product but ignore the BAD of the product. In the other word, we can say that the Good site of the product have grab all your attention, you don't really mind if the Iphone screen will easily broken when dropped, you just simply like the user friendly user interface design and the apps in it. Infatuation is beyond satisfaction in this case.

So infatuation is good or bad for business, especially in new launch product. In my opinion there are both pros and cons. The pros are we can make use of infatuation. A product that can grab the consumer attention crazily is good for it's sale and revenue. Iphone 4 sell off crazily due to the infatuation on the innovation of apple products, there are fans of apple products instead of consumers. They will buy ipod and macbooks too, not only iphone. When a product in this stage, it bring benefits to all its other product.

But however, we can't ignore the cons part. When everyone discover the products "dark side", the very interested situation will turned dramatically to the worst. We might just take Edison Chan scandal case as the example. (Celebrity actually are a form of products too) Everyone love and like the good looking of Edison Chan, he have lots of fans following him, supporting him. But when the sex scandals case come to the surface of the water. His image turn down straight, supporter become criticism, fans turned to hatter. Same-things happen to products too, if Iphone is proven will cause cancer to user, will you use it again? No is the answer, the worst case is, you will ask your friends not to use it too.

Creating the infatuation to products need extra care on the potential risk. But i still will say that it will bring out a very  impressive result if you can handle it well. =)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Well, let me design my post to be very straight to point and easy to read, and easy to understand.

Vision for 2011

Transform from a student life to entrepreneur life style.

Mission statement

In terms of health, will tends to live a healthier lifestyle, so good bye to high cholesterol foods and high sugar drinks. Sleep early and wake up early.

In terms of study, remain a level to pass, that's enough for me, because i use to hire people more than being hired. Well prepare myself before going to lecture and tutorial, 0 skip class.

In terms of career, collaborate with, hope it does an income for me.

In terms of business, focus on 2 start-ups. Online bus ticketing and also one to be chose from my list of business idea. Complete the business plan.

In terms of networks, start to expand it more to real world business network rather than social network.

In terms of family, will show more care for them.

In terms of relationship, this beyond my control, but hope that is someone that will assist me lots in my career and business.